Thursday, 1 March 2012

Foggy Dewhurst

Foggy Dewhurst
Paul and I have a name for those amazing total enthusiasts: Foggy Dewhurst. This is the wonderful character from Last of the Summer Wine, magnificently portrayed by the late, great, Brian Wilde. We just love the energy expended by these people on their particular pet projects. We remember one with great affection. A few years ago we went to Bagington Airport in Coventry with the British Berlin Airlift Association. Air Atlantique had an open day, showing off their wonderful collection of old planes. The group was divided into smaller groups and each given a guide.The one we had bore an amazing resemblance to the original Foggy Dewhurst, even down to the 'regimental' scarf, and he did not disappoint. We got back to base at least 30 minutes after everyone else, and we knew the colour of the underpants worn by the last pilot to fly the plane in anger - or at least it seemed like it! But we had a wonderful afternoon, thanks in part to him. Long may he continue to delight visitors with his enthusiasm.  One of the highlights of the tour was a Dakota. This was special because it was the plane my father flew in as a navigator during the Berlin Airlift. I had the delightful experience of a flight in one at an Air Show in Shropshire. The flight was enhanced by a crowd of 'Foggy Dewhursts' who had all flown the plane at one time or other in their military careers.The plane was a 'working'

 one, so no steps up, just the original ladder. I was last on, and first off, so, as I stepped off,  I turned to watch the veterans following me. Each and every one of them was grinning from ear to ear. They had had a wonderful time. I was so glad to be part of it.

What brought this to mind was a remark made by a fellow student at my Latin class last night. She commented on the sheer enthusiasm of our teacher, the splendid Clive. His 'day job' is teaching first year undergraduates, and he gives up one evening a week t teach a very mixed group of, to put it politely, 'mature' students, most of whom have not the first idea about Latin. A few have dropped out since it started, but surprisingly few. It's free, so no incentive to continue on the grounds 'I've paid for it so must get my moneysworth.' I put this down, in no small measure, to the patience of Clive, and his aim to instill his enthusiasm for the ancient world and its language to all and sundry. He never makes anyone feel stupid, fields basic (and stupid!) questions with aplomb, and generally makes everyone feel they can be a Latin scholar, even me. I have had so many problems with languages in general over the years that I had long ago decided any language except English wasbeyond me. It says a great deal about Clive that I feel that, while I might not be the world's best, at least I can achieve my ambition of readinbg that old gossip Suetonius in his original Latin! I might even have got the name on this blog right if I had felt confident enough to scour the Latin before I jumped in with both feet - only to find its impossible to change!

Talking of Suetonious, I succumbed to the multiple reminders I had from Blackwell's about their offer on Loeb's! I am now the proud owner of both volumes for my sins. Then, to add insult to injury, Blackwell's informed me they were extending the dead,ine! Fatal. So now I also own a beautiful pair of Pliny's Letters! I am so pleased the deadline has nowpassed. Iwas looking seriously at a couple of Tacitus' offerings (or should that be Taciti?!) and there is always room for more Cicero, though he is a bit of a prosy old bore! (I know this is sacrilege, but he does waffle on!)

I do fancy this though. My Latin class, led by the splendid Clive, is based on Horace. I did once meet a specialist on Horace - his name escapes me at the moment. I told him I had a soft spot for Horace and rather liked him. He was mildly surprised because 'usually it's men who prefer him. Women usually prefer Ovid or Catullus.' I was faintly offended by this, finding it a touch patronising. One of these days I just might invest in this, without the benefit of discount! Perhaps a hint to one of my children in time for my birthday in April? If any of you are reading this, try Amazon - or even Blackwell's website:))

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