Well, I’ve made it. I have officially reached my ‘allotted span’! The trouble is I just don’t believe it. But to prove it I have a small collection of birthday cards with the words Happy 70th Birthday on them so it must be true! The question is, how do I react? Do I ‘slow down’, ‘act my age’ or what? How do you act 70? I’ve really no idea. My mother’s generation had a much more precise idea of the ageing process. By the time you reach 70 you were officially ‘old’. But I don’t feel old. I don’t feel all that different from my 60th birthday, or, come to that, my 50th. I remember my 50th as if it was yesterday. Paul and I spent the night with a couple of friends at The Belfry near Sutton Coldfield and had a round of golf on the championship golf course there. My eldest son, who was working in Birmingham at the time, sneaked into my bedroom while we were at breakfast to deposit two very large boxes on my bed. When opened they revealed some extremely large helium balloons bearing the legend ‘My Mum is 50 today!’ My beloved husband and both my friends refused to acknowledge me as I walked through Reception with them floating over my head! That’s friendship for you.
This year Paul and I had dinner at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre prior to seeing a production of The Roaring Girl in the Swan. The write-ups were not brilliant, but the production exactly fitted my mood! Rumbustious just about fits the bill. Still not sure of the exact story – but who cares! We have tickets for several further productions, and for some films at a local cinema. Nothing is to be gained from sitting at home and stagnating.
I am still playing golf, especially now my 3 monthly injections of vitamin D are kicking in. I seem to be winning the battle there. My medical problems are NOT related to the fact that I am now 70! But I do still need to remember that exercise, in the fresh air, is important. A trip up to Oversley Woods with the dogs to see the bluebells at their peak is very much on the cards next week, when the sun is sure to shine! I just love that particular shade of bluebell blue. So very English somehow, even if they turn out to be Spanish bluebells. To be honest I am not sure how to tell the difference, although I am sure I have been told several times! In one ear out of the other.
That brings me nicely to my next subject. Not just keeping the body active, but the brain as well. The Latin class resumes tonight after the Easter break (wine and chocolates for all to celebrate my recent Big Day!), and I have also been taking some free on-line courses. The one just finishing is Shakespeare and His World, a fascinating insight into several plays, and the world around him led by the brilliant Professor Jonathan Bate. And I am just starting another called Start Writing Fiction. Not sure about this one. It seems to consist mainly of postings by other students who seem to be very ‘up themselves’! (One section had over 3500 posts! I read very few) However, it is only Week 1 so I expect it will settle down over time. But I am looking forward to one starting soon on the recent archaeology of the Roman harbour of Portus.
For once I am ahead of myself. This is because I have a very sad appointment tomorrow. While I was studying at the Open University I took a course called 5th Century Athens which kick started my love of the classical world. My tutor was a lovely, if slightly eccentric, lady called Eileen Powell. She died on Christmas Day last year, and there is a memorial service for her tomorrow. I have so much to thank her for. RIP Eileen.