Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New beginnings

My new acquisitions! Aren’t they just splendid? Victorian Staffordshire Flat backs of Dick Turpin and Tom King.  These were ‘acquired’ at a local auction just before Christmas. I was so lucky – the ‘other bidder’ was a dealer who knew to a nicety exactly how much he needed to pay to ensure selling on at a profit, happily just £2.50 less than my upper limit! I hope I would have stopped if he hadn’t but, in the excitement of the moment I’m not sure I would! The heat of the moment is a very heady time. Note to self – make sure next time I go to an auction (and I will, I’ve got the bug!) make sure Prudence in the form of husband Paul, is sitting beside me not in the row behind!

2013 ended on a very happy note. I took my two youngest grandchildren to see Wendy and Peter Pan at the RST, something I have done for years with different grandchildren as they get older. The first one was Michael, now 22, to see The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Hopefully, by the time the younger ones get too old, his son Callum will be old enough! This production was enormous fun, and put Wendy firmly in the driving seat! My youngest grandson, Jack aged all of 8, was sure he was much too old for Peter Pan – but spent the whole of the performance on the edge of his seat in excitement! Sister Jodie, now coming up to teenager, was far less blasé and knew she would enjoy it! 

The last year has been a bit mixed. I spent a lot of it trying to persuade my GP to prescribe a vitamin D injection so lost a whole summer! But when it did arrive it made such a huge difference I was just grateful. Just sad to have ‘lost’ such a wonderful summer. A week spent in Yorkshire with my brother and sister-in-law was slightly marred by my inability to walk any great distance, but it was still a splendid time. It is one of my favourite counties, huge and diverse. My favourite place in the entire world is there, Bolton Abbey near Ilkley. I remember visiting once when there was a recording of Gregorian chants on a continuous loop. One of the most moving things I have ever heard, in splendid surroundings. Golf has been a bit sparse last year too, lack of energy again. However, on the upside, I have several Acorn rounds left to carry over to 2014! It’s not all bleak:)) Note to self – must book a lesson with the splendid Adam before the new season starts.

Now for 2014. Instead of Yorkshire we are to visit another favourite county, Somerset. It’s the biennial school reunion this year and we are planning to stay a little longer then the weekend. This is the Coomb House Hotel in Holford near Bridgwater. We stayed there for the last reunion a couple of years ago, and it really is splendid. So we have booked a couple of extra days to explore all the old places, and rekindle a few happy memories. What is so amazing is how little the surrounding countryside has changed. I can still find my way around relying on memories from so long ago. Somehow this is comforting, but I am not sure why.

Academically 2013 was a bit different, and 2014 seems to be going a similar way. The Latin classes continued, and will continue, and the Romans will continue to be of huge interest. (The Roman Museum in Alcester has its 10th birthday this year, with all the attendant celebrations!) But I have also been taking an on-line medieval course about the time of Richard lll, and have signed up for another on Shakespeare’s times. All to keep the old brain ticking over!

2014 sees me reaching one of ‘those’ birthdays with a nought at the end of it:(( However, I am not alone. There are a very large number of my golf club friends who were born the same year. It has been suggested we have a special round of golf for the 1944’ers! That really sounds like fun:))

On a down note I seem to have lost a friend this year. All I can say is that I am sad, but I wish her luck in her future endeavours.

But to finish this first blog of 2014 can I just wish my friends and family a happy and prosperous new year. I like this sentiment!