It’s always nice to take up a new interest. This time it’s not really ‘new’, just an extension. I’ve been fascinated by history for as long as I can remember. At school it tended to be ‘the Tudors and the Stuarts’ ad infinitum. When I started my Open University career I thought this would be my strength, taking a couple of courses focussing on the Reformation and the Renaissance, until I inadvertently stumbled on the ancient Greeks, and so onto the Romans, my real love. Now, looking for something to keep my brain ticking over during the winter, I’ve started on a short course called Richard lll, which should actually be more accurately called The Wars of the Roses. It is, in fact, a very basic introduction to the medieval world, and very fascinating it is too. What is so interesting is the way nothing has changed in 600 years. The poll tax caused an uprising in 14th century, probably contributing to the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, and almost caused another revolt in 1990, causing Margaret Thatcher enormous problems. Shortage of labour after the ravages of the Black Death led to changes in methods of agriculture, discontent amongst the labour force, and problems between workers and employers. Now it’s not shortage of workers, but shortage of work, leading to discontent. I wait with anticipation to find out ‘what happens next’. The course is so structured that only one week at a time is released so I can’t ‘read ahead’! The reason for this is, presumably, because part of the structure of the course is an ongoing discussion, and for that to work the participants need to be at about the same place at the same time.
This is something else that has been taking my attention at the moment, a book about a trip around Britain visiting nearly all the Roman sites in the country. A beautifully written book, more of a travelogue than a history book, but full of all sorts of snippets of information. I say nearly all because Charlotte Higgins blue camper van did not manage to find its way to the small Roman town of Alcester in Warwickshire where I volunteer at the Roman Museum! Perhaps she could make a special trip next year for our tenth birthday celebrations!
The next major happening is, of course, the dreaded run up to Christmas! It creeps up on me every year. Each time I decide I will start early, and each time it’s suddenly the beginning of December and I have done very little. Well, I did buy some cards a few months ago, and have only just remembered where I put them. I have several to go abroad, so I had better get cracking or they won’t arrive until the New Year! Just in case I don’t get done in time, can I wish everyone a Happy Christmas, and a Prosperous New Year.