I believe in democracy. Really I do. I believe that everyone
should have a say in how things are done. At least I thought I did. In a couple
of weeks’ time we are supposed to turn out to vote for a Police Commissioner.
That means the man (I say man, but of course it could be woman, it’s just
easier!) in charge of crime in my area
will be there, not because he knows anything about crime, but because, probably
with the help of one of the political parties, he has managed to convince the
majority of people that he will ‘do something’ about whatever is the latest
popular cause. Come re-election time his priority will be to get re-elected
again, not look to the long-term safety of the area. After all, if he loses he
is out of a job. There is no incentive to look to the long term. If he does
lose, any problems are the province of whoever had the temerity to beat him. If
he wins he will have plenty of time before the next election to put in place
‘populist’ measures. The electorate has such a short collective memory after
Democracy is relatively easy in a small, static, population.
Everyone knows everyone else, or at
least knows who everybody is. Personally, not through ‘the media’. This makes
choosing between candidates so much easier. Of course it also makes bribery
easier too! But at least a voter is more likely to vote for the man, rather
than the Party, resulting in a representative who is more interested in doing
what is best for his local electorate rather than pleasing his party bosses. When
the population rises, and becomes much more mobile, this local connection is
lost. Party becomes the reason for most people to cast their vote, and the
candidates become connected instead to the party machine. The party then
becomes obsessed with winning the next election, and the priority is the ‘short
term’ popular fix, not the long term good. Politics becomes a career path (how
many MP’s actually had a ‘proper job’ outside politics?) rather than a calling
to represent the electorate who put them in their very lucrative job. You only
have to remember the recent expenses scandals to understand quite how
lucrative. In the modern era it is more important to look good on TV rather
than actually have any great degree of knowledge or true talent.
I am not sure how the problems of Parliament can be
addressed, I am not clever enough. But I can take issue with the idea of
elected Police Commissioners. It was not all that long ago that the electorate
dismissed out of hand the idea of directly elected mayors. That must have sent
a message to the Government because there was no referendum on Police
Commissioners. Perhaps they knew they would lose? I have seen a lot of letters
in newspapers from people who disagree with the idea so much they do not intend
to vote. This is a mistake. The turnout will probably be dismal anyway and this
will reduce the figures even more. What I intend to do is turn up at the
polling station and write ‘none of the above’ on my voting slip. I still do
believe in democracy, just not for everything. If an MP is really bad at his
job there are enough of them to counteract his mistakes. A Police Commissioner
is on his own, in a job where his credentials are political rather than related
to police work, and his decisions, taken politically, can have dire effects. No