Tuesday, 29 November 2011

A bit of a scheduling problem!

I had a bit of a dilemma. Should I spend an evening with the ladies section of my golf club for the annual Autumn Supper and Prizegiving, plus AGM, or should I spend an evening with the maenads at the local grammar school where I go for my Latin lessons? Either way it was going to be a bit noisy! Fifty plus ladies all trying to outshout each other, leavened by outbursts of clapping the prizewinners with no hope of being one of the recipients? Or a group of adolescent young men dressed up as women yelling fit to bust? In the end it was no contest. The young men would be quieter!  It turned out to be a good choice. The King Edward Grammar School production of Euripides The Bacchea was very well done, and very entertaining. Dionysus was an arrogant sod, and Pentheus a suitably 'civil service' pen pusher who wore the woman's clothing with aplomb. There was even a licenced bar where wine was flowing! Any theatrical production in Stratford upon Avon has a lot to live up to, and this one did not disappoint.Picture Shakespeare's school.

I had a double dose of 'Classics' with a visit to the British Museum for a 'Septimius Severus Day', run jointly by the Roman Society, and the Association of Roman Archaeology. The day itself did not start well. We caught the train at Warwick Parkway on the first Christmas Shopping Saturday of the year. By the time the train reached us it was already standing room only, with nearly an hour and a half to go. For some reason the company had decided three carriages was enough! To be fair - sort of - the guard did apologise several times for the overcrowding. The reason given was that there were only three and not four carriages! No explanation as to why this was so, but at least he tried! The result was two very weary people by the time we reached London. Lunch was the first order of the day, at the magnificent Court Restaurant at the BM. Thank you Simon and Stanley for a wonderful meal. Then a quick scoot around the Grayson Perry exhibition. Let me say at once, the time available was nowhere near enough. If anyone has the chance to see it, please do. It's clever, quirky, and thought provoking. As for the lectures on Septimius Severus, they were well worth the effort to get there. There were three lectures, Dr Philip Kenrick on Severus' background in Libya, Dr Nick Hodgson on his exploits in Britain, from a Roman point of view, and Dr Fraser Hunter on the effect he had in Scotland, from the Scots point of view. I came away wanting to know more, and lamenting that I hadn't gone to Lepcis Magna when I had the chance.                                               I did have a strange experience though. At tea time, waiting in the queue, I started talking to the person next to me, only to discover it was a fellow OU'er I had 'met' several times 'on-line'. Life plays little games with us at times, and this was one of the better ones. Good to put a face to a name.

Well. I am improving! I've managed to get a couple of pictures in this! Gold star to me!

Sunday, 20 November 2011


Why did I do this? Who knows. I decided it was about time I actually had a go, so here goes.
First - very basic so far, I haven't had a chance yet to explore and personalise. That will come later - I hope! Second, no pictures until I've worked out how to introduce them. (I will, even if  #1 son has to come over and give me a lesson!) Third, this will be very short as it is very much a practice (or should that be rehearsal? I understand you practice alone, but rehearse together. I am sitting alone, but if anyone reads this it can be construed as 'together')
The next question why the name optimaematris? Well, my interest is the JulioClaudian women, of whom Agrippina is the most interesting (in my opinion anyway, and on here that's what counts!) I thought that was a bit pretentious, but, on second thoughts, decided to go even more in that direction. Optimae matris is the password Nero gave his soldiers on the night he became emperor, and it means 'best of mothers.' Well, I'm a mother, and I keep telling my children how great I am - so....! I'm not sure I've got the endings right - my Latin lessons are still at a very early stage - but if anyone reads this who knows better I am sure they will let me know!
I'm not sure yet how often I will post. Perhaps regularly, probably only when I feel I have something to say. That is all in the lap of the gods.